模特走秀的背景音乐 顶级名模走秀御用背景音乐
2014年9月13日 阅读: 2027
100604那期中背景音乐是《THE ROSE》时的模特走秀

专辑名称:《世界T台走秀 FRANCE FASHION SHOW 》——顶级名模走秀
御用背景音乐 3CD
艺 术 家:VA
人们一听到Fashion show一词,大多会习惯性地联想起那条狭长的T型台,灯火辉煌混合着撼人心动的音乐,鱼贯出入的模特们频繁地变幻着时髦的装束,让人眼花缭乱。
01.Sadeness 悲伤
02.Yarada 雅拉达
03.Tum Around 四周围绕
04.Shadows in Silence 寂静的影于
05.Mea Culpa 责任
06.Sex On The Beach Sex在海滩
07.T N T For The Braint TNT的智能
08.Appreciation 升值
09.Soul 灵魂
10.Smell Of Desire 达到心愿
11.Modem Crusaders 现代战争
12.Anima 阿密娜
13.Sleep Will Come 将要入睡
14.Speck Of Gold 有斑点的黄金
01.Last Tango ln Paris 巴黎最后的探戈
02.Drifting Away 漂走
03.Twe Much 加倍
04.Homebass 花园
05.Flower 0f Rose 玫瑰之花
06.Onion Mweng Rainbird 洋葱头的鸟
07.Silence Must Be Heard 沉默被打破
08.Desire 渴望
09.Traveller 旅行者
10.After 在以后
11.Hermosa Marla 海洋生物
12.Push The Limits 推开世界
13.Mysterious 神秘
14.What Will Be 什么将是
01.Whatever Lola Wants 无论罗拉要什么
02.Faithless 无信仰
03.Punjab 旁遮普邦
04.Dream 梦幻
05.Secret Tear 秘密泪花
06.I Love You I'll Kill You 我爱你才得到你
07.Monsoon 季风
08.Porcelain 瓷瓶
09.Hey!girl 嘿!女孩
10.Age Of Loneliness 孤独的岁月
11.On One In This World 在这个世界的无人处
12.In The Light 发光体
13.Kelly Watch The Stars 出发
14.Sometimes 有时候
01 the voice of enigma
02 principles of lust - i - sadeness
03 principles of lust - ii - find love
04 principles of lust - iii - sadeness (reprise)
05 callas went away
06 mea culpa
07 the voice & the snake
08 knocking on forbidden doors
09 back to the rivers of belief- i - way to eternity
10 back to the rivers of belief- ii - hallelujah
11 back to the rivers of belief- iii - The Rivers of Belief
12 x sadeness (meditation)
13 x mea culpa (fading shades)
14 x principles of lust (everlasting lust)
15 x the rivers of belief (the returning silence)
01 2:08 The Voice of Enigma
02 4:15 Sadeness (Principles of Lust)
03 5:49 Find Love (Principles of Lust)
04 3:48 Sadeness Reprise (Principles of Lust)
05 4:29 Callas Went Away
06 5:53 Mea Culpa
07 2:45 The Voice & The Snake
08 4:27 Knocking on Forbidden Doors
09 2:19 Way to Eternity
10 4:15 Hallelujah
11 4:31 The Rivers of Belief
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