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2015年4月5日  阅读: 1187



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我们今年的清明节恰逢西方的复活节。复活节是一个西方的重要节日, Easter, anniversary of the resurrection of christ, observed on the first sunday after a full moon on or after 21 March. 复活节中最具代表性的吉祥物就是彩蛋和兔子,代表性的食物呢就是羊肉和火腿。按圣经的解释,耶稣基督乃道成肉身的圣子,来世上为要赎世人的罪,成为世人的代罪羔羊。刚巧今年的复活节“煮妇”们都在放假,CD君专选了三道希腊风味的羊肉,大家可以一边学英语一边学做饭哦!今天我们先捧上热气腾腾的烤羊腿肉:

Roasted stuffed leg of lamb (with feta cheese & peppers)

1 leg of lamb, boned and butterflied (1.5 kg)

3 tbsp olive oil

2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped

2 tsp Dijon mustard

Kosher salt and cracked black pepper

2 tsp crushed Greek oregano (rigani)

1 green or yellow bell pepper (stems and seeds removed), sliced in thin rings

2 red bell peppers (stems and seeds removed), sliced in thin rings

250 g feta cheese, crumbled

100 g aged anthotyro or manouri cheese, grated (or ricotta cheese or other low-salt hard grating cheese)

1/2 bunch parsley, chopped

3 1/2 ounces water-1 3/4 cups water

1 teacup white wine

Extra olive oil for baking

Also needed: Butcher's string or netting


Lay the lamb leg out on a clean work surface. Place the boned side of the roast up. With a sharp paring knife, cut away any excess fatty areas. Cut 1/2-inch-deep slits in the meat about 2 inches apart, to help the meat lie flat.

With hands, coat both sides of the meat with olive oil. Sprinkle both sides with salt, pepper and oregano. Rub all over leg of lamb. Distribute the garlic over the meat and spread with mustard.

Preheat oven to 250 C.

Place the lamb fat side down. Distribute the filling evenly across the meat, leaving a clean edge around all sides of about 1 inch. Sprinkle with parsley and start with the peppers, then the crumbled feta, and end with the grated cheese.

Fold the meat back together into its original shape and tie with butcher's string at 1-inch intervals. If you use netting, enclose the roll. It's OK if a little stuffing protrudes from the sides of the roast. Sprinkle the outside of the roast with salt and pepper. Place lamb leg in a roasting pan, fat side up. Pour with the wine, a little extra olive oil and water, and bake.

Roast at 250 C for 20 minutes. Turn the roll over and cook another 20 minutes. Reduce heat to 200 C. After 40 minutes, turn the roll over again (fat side up), add more water if needed, and continue to cook for about 40 minutes longer. (Total cooking time: approximately 2 hours)

Remove the roast from the oven and let rest 10 minutes before removing the strings and slicing crosswise. The slices may partially fall apart so handle them gently. Reassemble them as best you can on the plate. Serve with red pepper sauce.

Tip: The roast can even be wrapped very tightly in a sheet of aluminum foil; be careful not to gather the foil into the meat.

Red-pepper sauce: Beat in blender two roasted and peeled red peppers with 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp dried basil, salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

Optional: Peel and cut a few potatoes into rough wedges, toss with a little olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and throw in the roasting pan.

The season of spring lamb has always been an occasion for festival feasts in ancient cultures. In Greece, the tradition is manifest at Easter-and whether people celebrate the holiday this weekend or on the Greek date, which this year is April 12, they are consuming meat The season of spring lamb has always been an occasion for festival feasts in ancient cultures. In Greece, the tradition is manifest at Easter-and whether people celebrate the holiday this weekend or on the Greek date, which this year is April 12, theyare consuming meat seasoned with savory herbs that were traded by merchants of the ancient sea power as long ago as the 5th century.

That hasn't always been conventional wisdom. Ancient shipwrecksloaded with thousands of vase-shaped amphorae had long convinced archaeologists that Greek trade revolved around wine. But researchers have recently been able to test the contents of jars recovered from the bottom of the Mediterranean. The residues' DNA proved to be olive, juniper, pine, legumes, ginger, walnut and herbs of the Lamiaceae family: mint, rosemary, thyme, oreganoand sage.

Many of those foods produced by ancient Greeks find their way to the contemporary table for Easter celebrations.

The Bible records that Jews sacrificed lambs to please God after their passage from Egyptian slavery to freedom. Christian celebrations of Easter-the passage from death to life through theresurrection of Jesus Christ-have traditionally used the innocent lamb as the symbol of Christ.

In Greece, Easter is the biggest holiday, associated with the coming of spring and the rebirth of nature. That's why the roasting of the lamb is a tradition of great joy and celebration-especially since locals who are religious abstain from eating meat during Lent, the 40-day season of fasting and penance before Easter.

Lamb on the spit (arni sti souvla) is the traditional Greek wayof serving lamb at Easter. The holiday is a very social occasion and there will always be large gatherings for the lamb, and people from the neighborhood, friends, family will be invited. Everyone will take turns at turning the spit, or helping out with other preparations, and long tables are prepared under the shady trees for everyone to sit down and enjoy the wine, food, company and music.

This recipe is also ideal for preparing great-tasting lamb for another party at any time of year.

Katerina Stai is a Greek chef, cookbook author and blogger. Seemore of her recipes at oliveoil-culture.com.

Mike Peters contributed to this story.
seasoned with savory herbs that were traded by merchants of the ancient sea power as long ago as the 5th century.

That hasn't always been conventional wisdom. Ancient shipwrecks loaded with thousands of vase-shaped amphorae had long convinced archaeologists that Greek trade revolved around wine. But researchers have recently been able to test the contents of jars recovered from the bottom of the Mediterranean. The residues' DNA proved to be olive, juniper, pine, legumes, ginger, walnut and herbs of the Lamiaceae family: mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano and sage.

Many of those foods produced by ancient Greeks find their way to the contemporary table for Easter celebrations.

The Bible records that Jews sacrificed lambs to please God after their passage from Egyptian slavery to freedom. Christian celebrations of Easter-the passage from death to life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ-have traditionally used the innocent lamb as the symbol of Christ.

In Greece, Easter is the biggest holiday, associated with the coming of spring and the rebirth of nature. That's why the roasting of the lamb is a tradition of great joy and celebration-especially since locals who are religious abstain from eating meat during Lent, the 40-day season of fasting and penance before Easter.

Lamb on the spit (arni sti souvla) is the traditional Greek way of serving lamb at Easter. The holiday is a very social occasion and there will always be large gatherings for the lamb, and people from the neighborhood, friends, family will be invited. Everyone will take turns at turning the spit, or helping out with other preparations, and long tables are prepared under the shady trees for everyone to sit down and enjoy the wine, food, company and music.

This recipe is also ideal for preparing great-tasting lamb for another party at any time of year.

Katerina Stai is a Greek chef, cookbook author and blogger. See more of her recipes at oliveoil-culture.com.


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