the road taken高珊 电视剧《何以笙箫默》插曲 高姗The Road Not Taken
2015年4月24日 阅读: 484
【MV】The Road Not Taken何以琛(钟汉良)
改编自顾漫同名小说的电视剧《何以笙箫默》已在江苏卫视、东方卫视和安徽卫视播出,本剧讲述何以琛和赵默笙一段年少时的爱恋,牵出一生的纠缠。高姗为本剧献唱插曲《遇见你的时候所有星星都落到我头上》及英文插曲《The Road Not Taken》。提起高姗这个名字许多网友都很陌生,看过《杉杉来了》的观众或许会有些了解,杉杉来了插曲《Roll The Dice》就是高姗演唱的。
电视剧《何以笙箫默》插曲《The Road Not Taken》
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
I"d go back and rechoose if I could
But here I lay now, sick and so confused
Was it a lie or was it all true
Sleep now gently my darling love,
Don"t let my worries trouble you
People try hard to forget
But memories always stay
Nightmares and dreams of long passed things
Try and chase me away from sleep
All that time I spent in the dark
Just like that; I"m in the light;
Everything will be fine
Notice all the similarities
We go together like the birds and bees
Just imagine what all could have happened
Every one I knew would long be dead
What really goes on behind closed doors
Makes me secretly cry out loud
Within all these horror stories
Lay many times of regret
Always in such a frightened state
Trapped in an imaginary cage
Living life day by day
And soon enough; some day;
I"ll come out and play
In a world where everything is upside down I try hard not to lose my mind
Things keep getting worse so I tell myself everything will be fine
I want to grow up and be a real bad cop
In the end, it"ll work
高姗,女,1991年11月30日生,北京大学学生,独立唱作歌手。在北京大学2011年十佳歌手大赛中,作为选手中少见的原创性歌手,高姗以明显优势获得冠军。她的音乐风格多变,在诗般的民谣、调皮的爵士、神秘的古典间游刃有余,安静却不失张力,淡然而充满灵性。独特干净的嗓音总能使人的内心沉淀下来,变得温暖又美好。她曾在北京MAO LIVEHOUSE、愚公移山、麻雀瓦舍、微薄之盐等多个著名演出场地参与演出,并登上2011年草莓音乐节的校园舞台。
↑图:笙箫默英文插曲 高珊 the road not taken
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
↑图:the road not taken》演唱者是高珊,喜欢这首歌吗? ]昨晚播
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
↑图:默笙回忆是英语插曲是什么?是高珊的the road not taken,歌词
下一篇: 世界名模走秀高清_天天向上 2009-2-20期(名模走秀、民歌大联欢)