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生活大爆炸第3季 Topic: Sports! 生活大爆炸第八季第三集

2014年10月21日  阅读: 1041


Check it out, what are our scientists saying in this episode.

R: I’m heckling you. It’s a beloved part of baseball.

heckle 质问,诘问

W: Cut it out! You’re hurting myfeelings.

S: Well, if you’re going to serve Cornish game hen, you should either be familiar with the history of Cornwall orbe prepared to learn it.

Cornish game hen: is a hybrid chicken sold whole

S: And I’m contractually obligated to make them up under the terms of the Relationship Agreement.

B: I can’t believe you’re sore.

W: Hey, even professional pitchers need a rubdown after the game. For your information, I also gave Leonard onehell of a high five.


B: Great. And while we’re at it,maybe we could butch up your run for when you head out to the mound.

butch up:使男性化一点

mound:[棒球] 投球区土墩

S: At our committee meeting, Amy made a motion for a picnic in a park, but I tacked so many amendments on that thing.It sank like a lead balloon.


A: After a lively debate, that proposal passed by a two-zero margin.

L: Nice to see a busy couple keep the spark of bureaucracy alive.

B:All right, the pitcher’s mound in Major League Baseball is 60 feet, six inches away from home plate.

S:If you’ve got a problem basing arelationship on a contrast. I’d like to tell you about 13 plucky colonies thatentered a “Relationship agreement” called the U.S. Constitution. And it may not be cool to say so, but I think that love affair is still pretty hot today.

S: French fries have three variables-crispiness,saltiness and shape, which is why a curly fry only gets a two.

S: Not according to the work of Berscheid, Snyder and Omoto.

S: It’s been around for 25 years, and has been extensively corroborated by other researchers.


L: You being blindly infatuated with me was the rock we were building this relationship on!


S: The answer is one simple testaway. You know, it’s like when I thought there was a possum in my closet. Did I sit around wondering? No, I sent Leonard in with a pointy stick and a bag.


S: I expected to see Howard throw thebaseball, finish my hot dog, and hightail it across the street to Disneylandjust in time for Mickey’s Soundsational Parade.


Mickey's Soundsational parade:米奇音乐大游行

W: Boys and girls, I present to you a working prototype of the Mars Rover! And here is the wind-up, and the pitch!

Mars Rover: 火星漫游者


S: We go to Disneyland, play hide and seek on Tom Sawyer’s Island, and then come back and see the end of the pitch.

Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island is an artificial island surrounded by the Rivers of America at Disneyland. It contains caves with references to Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean film trilogy,Mark Twain characters from the novel The Adventures of the Tom Sawyer, and provides interactive, climbing, and scenic opportunities. 汤姆·索菲亚岛 ()


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↑图:生活大爆炸第三季 - 图片427841 - 电视剧 - 风行







《生活大爆炸》至少播到2014年 已获得三季预

↑图:《生活大爆炸》至少播到2014年 已获得三季预



生活大爆炸线上看,生活大爆炸第一季 pps 演员

↑图:生活大爆炸线上看,生活大爆炸第一季 pps 演员



《生活大爆炸 第三季》预告-美剧-电视剧-优酷

↑图:《生活大爆炸 第三季》预告-美剧-电视剧-优酷



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